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The Oriental - Durham's first Chinese Restaurant - Duke University Libraries Blogs
Chinese /American cuisine had been a national fad in urban areas across the United States since the early 1900s.
Book Reviews: Innovation and Creativity
In fashion, comedy and cuisine, copyright and patent restrictions do not apply, yet in all of these industries, creativity flourishes.
2013 January
In fashion, comedy and cuisine, copyright and patent restrictions do not apply, yet in all of these industries, creativity flourishes.
In fashion, comedy and cuisine, copyright and patent restrictions do not apply, yet in all of these industries, creativity flourishes.
The Devil's Tale - Page 38 of 129 - Dispatches from the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript
Writing in the late 1870s, Maury, unsurprisingly, has few good things to say about non-Western people. The Chinese, for instance, are (...)
The Devil's Tale - Page 50 of 128 - Dispatches from the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript
For many people who are new to Creole cuisine, making it can be an intimidating process.