Website Search Results

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    1. News Sources - MIDP Master's Projects - LibGuides at Duke University

      Factiva This link opens in a new window Search for global news and information content, including Dow Jones, Reuters Newswires, and The (...)

    2. Finding Literature - ECON 371: Labor and Family Economics - LibGuides at Duke University

      Key E-Journals American Economic Review Econometrica Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Economic (...)

    3. Finding Literature - ECON 490: Economics of Health Care Markets - LibGuides at Duke University

      Specific Journals Health Affairs JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association Journal of Health Economics American (...)

    4. Literature - ECON 495S/496S: Honors Seminars I & II - LibGuides at Duke University

      Key General Economics E-Journals American Economic Review Econometrica Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Economic (...)

    5. Newspapers - Italian Studies - LibGuides at Duke University

      More Newspapers Los Angeles Times, 1985-1996 Los Angeles Times, 1881-1985 (incomplete) New York Times (1851-3yrs ago)  New York (...)

    6. “Laid Off and Looking”: New Blog from the WSJ

      “Laid Off and Looking”: New Blog from the WSJ Ford Library « Book Review: Revolution in a bottle … Movies You May Have Missed » “Laid Off and (...)

    7. Databases For Alumni - Ford Library Career Intelligence (for Alumni) Signing up for Career Intelligence will give you access to: Downloadable Career Guides, (...)

    8. Director’s Blog – November 2021

      These 3 Wall Street Journal articles offer some useful advice on overcoming distractions while adjusting to in-person (...)

    9. News - Strategy 835 - LibGuides at Duke University

      Factiva - provides full text access to Dow Jones and Reuters Newswires, The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, other Dow (...)

    10. Audiobooks: Holiday Classics

      Difficulties are not always negative, particularly for people who develop attributes to overcome them, such as courage, resourcefulness and (...)

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