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    Page 3 of 26 website results

    1. Scholarly Communications @ Duke - Page 22 of 58 - Discussions about the changing world of scholarly

      Copyright Issues and Legislation Reform is in the air September 7, 2011 Kevin Smith, J.D. 1 Comment Suddenly lots of people seem to be (...)

    2. The Cuban Rafter Phenomenon - Latin American & Caribbean Studies - LibGuides at Duke University

      Surgical support of Operation Sea Signal: adaptability of the 59th Air Transportable Hospital in Cuba. Military Medicine .

    3. The Devil's Tale - Page 31 of 128 - Dispatches from the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript

      Symposium on atherosclerosis / held under the auspices of the Division of Medical Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, National Research (...)

    4. The Goodson Blogson

      The "Browse Judgments by Courts" tab includes case law from dozens of additional jurisdictions for varying time periods, including the United (...)

    5. Bitstreams: The Digital Collections Blog - Page 3 of 36 - Notes from the Duke University Libraries D

      The algorithms used in lossless compression are complex, but if you’ve ever prepared for a fall backpacking trip, and tightly rolled your fluffy (...)

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