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    1. Late Presentation of Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration in Children

      by Saquib Mallick, Mohammed; Al-Bassam, Abdulrahman and Rauf Khan, Abdul

      Journal Of Tropical Pediatrics (1980), Volume 51, Issue 3, pp. 145 - 148

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

    2. Nils Rosén von Rosenstein - The Father of Paediatrics

      by Sjögren, Iréne

      Upsala Journal Of Medical Sciences, Volume 111, Issue 1, pp. 3 - 16

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

    3. Asthma Medication Regimens in Pregnancy: Longitudinal Changes in Asthma Status

      by Kanner, Jenna; Nobles, Carrie; Chen, Zhen; Sherman, Seth; Kumar, Rajesh; Stevens, Danielle R.; Grantz, Katherine L.; Biggio, Joseph; Mendola, Pauline; Grobman, William A.; et al.

      American Journal Of Perinatology, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp. 172 - 180

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

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    1. A syllabus of a course of lectures on the theory and practice of midwifery : including the (...)

      read by Thomas Pole, at his theatre, in Thomas's-Street ... with a prefatory address to his pupils.


      Check Holdings for this item's availability Rubenstein Library, RG93 .P75 1797 c.1

    2. Traité des accouchemens en faveur des éleves : dans lequel sont traitées les maladies des (...)

      par M.F.A. Deleurye.


      This item is currently Available Rubenstein Library, RG93 .D454 1770 c.1

    3. Des maladies des enfans

      par N. Chambon.


      Check Holdings for this item's availability Rubenstein Library

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    1. Pre-Nineteenth Century - History of Pediatrics - LibGuides at Duke University

      You can limit by location to "Rubenstein Library" to focus on historical sources.  Early Pediatrics Pediatrics -- (...)

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    1. French obstetrics manuscripts, around 1750-1800.

      Archival and manuscript material

      Check Holdings for this item's availability Rubenstein Library, RUB Bay 3358 v.1

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