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    1. Developmental co-ordination disorder in socially disadvantaged Brazilian children

      by Valentini, N. C.; Clark, J. E. and Whitall, J.

      Child : Care, Health & Development, Volume 41, Issue 6, pp. 970 - 979

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

    2. P529 Natural history and management strategies of ulcerative colitis (UC) in a (...)

      by Kiparissi, F; Pensabene, L; Sonnino, M; Ocholi, A; ElZein, A; Borrelli, O and Saliakellis, E

      Journal Of Crohn's And Colitis, Volume 14, Issue Supplement_1.

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

    3. P116 The occurrence of venous thromboembolisms in paediatric-onset IBD

      by van Ommen, C H; Kemos, P; Ruemmele, F M; de Ridder, L; Croft, N M and Aardoom, M

      Journal Of Crohn's And Colitis, Volume 14, Issue Supplement_1.

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

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    1. Fasciculus medicine

      compositus p[er] ... Joannem de Ketham ...


      This item is currently Available Rubenstein Library, 4to R128.6 .K4 1500 c.1

    2. De infantium aegritudinibus et remediis.


      Check Holdings for this item's availability Perkins & Bostock Library, Medical Incunabula pt. 3 MI 12 

    3. Opusculum aegritudinum puerorum.


      This item is currently Available Perkins & Bostock Library, Medical Incunabula pt. 5 MI 48 

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    1. Pre-Nineteenth Century - History of Pediatrics - LibGuides at Duke University

      You can limit by location to "Rubenstein Library" to focus on historical sources.  Early Pediatrics Pediatrics -- 18th (...)

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