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    1. Resilience Through the Lens of Interactionism: A Systematic Review

      by Zibarras, Lara; Lewis, Rachel; Pangallo, Antonio and Flaxman, Paul

      Psychological Assessment, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 1 - 20

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

    2. Precepting and symbolic interactionism - a theoretical look at preceptorship during (...)

      by Carlson, Elisabeth

      Journal Of Advanced Nursing, Volume 69, Issue 2, pp. 457 - 464

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

    3. Preeclampsiasurvivor and symbolic interactionism in women's maternal health

      by Cramer, Emily M.; Chung, Jae Eun and Li, Jiang

      Health Care For Women International, Volume 45, Issue 8, pp. 852 - 871

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

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    1. Interactionism : an essay in sociological amnesia

      Paul Atkinson and William Housley.


    2. Symbolic Interactionism

      Garry Potter.


    3. Symbolic Interactionism

      Garry Potter.

      Book, Video : View Online

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    1. Interaction

    2. Interaction, 2006 December

    3. Interaction Coordinator, 1990

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